Lot Alteration Request

Sunrise Pointe Homeowners ACC Lot Alteration Approval Form

Date *
First *
Last *
Lot Number *
Address *

Dear Committee Members: Please accept this as my request for approval for the following changes/ alterations/ additions to my residence located at (physical address)

Described below are all the changes/alterations/additions that I propose to make, and I am uploading pictures, brochures or other descriptive material that will accurately describe the design of and material to be used in my change /alteration/ addition. If applicable, enclosed are site plans and/or drawings, including lot survey or plot plan showing topography and ground elevation. I understand that I may not begin the below-described work until my receipt of an executed Revocable License from you, and that I must obtain all applicable governmental permits and licenses. I have obtained approval from my affected neighbors as manifested by their signatures below. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE / ALTERATION / ADDITION:

Description of Request *
My neigbors affected by this change have given their approval * yes no
Neighbor 1 Name & Address
Neighbor 2 Name & Address
Neighbor 3 Name & Address
Upload 1
Upload 2
Upload 3
IP address


Type SignatureDraw Signature